Stöd Ukraina

Laurals blogg

Tisdag 8 December 2009
And so it is time for this young birdie 2 leave the nest as well, n that we will do by spreadin our wings over the great ocean road, the red mountain, and many other wonderful places. Yes, this little birdie is going to Australia, she's going down under! :)

What drove me there?! A lifelong dream, and IB. After spending 2 years with a broom up my arse, it was time for me to become a Bludger, as they call it down under ;) (Aussie slang 4 a very lazy person)

C ya there, mate! :)
Söndag 2 September 2007
Well, mates...its been a while, a lot of things have happened, a lot of things that ud love to hear about, but honestly, i couldnt b bothered writing about em....its just 2 much. Ull probably end up hearing it from me some day, in person.....whenever that'll b. But from now on Im gonna become better at bloggin ma travel journal...even though right now im stayin foot, in Adelaide.

But, let me start telling you about the most wonderful night ever!

2of the Tassie girls staying at ma hostel were going out, n even though i promised maself an early night, I went roamin the dancefloors with em cuz these poor girls have never heard bout the dog n duck nor HQ. So, as the responsible adult ;) (NOT!) I took em 2 Dog n Duck, where they couldnt get in with their fake ID, so we went 2 the London Tavern, which was good, but not all that. When we were in the line up 2 that place we heard better music than when we were inside. At the ENglish Tavern, we lost 2 of our company, n so there were 2 of us left, headin 2 the Casino cuz HQ probably wouldnt accept an ID which expired in 2004!!! At the Casino we meet up w an old friend of mine who drove us 2 HQ, n in the line up (which was 1km long, no kiddin) we got picked out n passed happily all the queuing ppl :) Now up until this moment Ive sort of been indifferent 2 partying. It wasnt ma original plan (2 go out) so I wasnt even so excited about it, while Shrama, the other girl, was in the best party mood. But things were about 2 change.

HQ was of the hook! The DJ was FAN-TASTIC!!! N here the dancin spirits in me came 2 life again. I danced, n danced, n danced, n danced on stage, n danced at the bar, n danced some more. It was sooooo guuudd!!!!! I loved it! I absolutely, positively loved it! I felt all bubbly n full of energy when I danced, n it felt like it was never gonna end, it was so incredibly good. I jumped around, like the little bunny that I an, n since i was drinkin water (yes, i was sober the whole night) ppl probably thought that I was high on E or smt, cuz I was off the hook as well. N the best thing about it....i didnt have an annoying guy all over me limitin ma moves, tryin 2 get it on w! I was free as a bird n it felt great!! :)

So, for 5 hours I was dancin non-stop, n could dance for another 5, if it wasnt for the fact that the place was closin. Do u think that ma night ended there? Of course no!! :) After dancin for so long I was starvin! So I headed over 2 the Casino (for the 3rd time this evening), for one of their delicious ham, cheese n pineapple hot dogs. But, 2 ma gr8 disappointment, they were givin me a hard time, tellin me that they were closin the kitchen, even though there was 30 min left....they were just being lazy, em basterds! But oh well, wot 2 do but 2 head off home...or perhaps grab a yiros (kebab) at Hinley st....? As I was makin up ma mind, I got picked up by this rather sweet 21yr old guy who wanted 2 take me out 4 a drink at 5.30 in the mornin. Why not?! Right, so off we go 2 Hinley st, n there it is, the Yiros place! So we stop n grab some yiros. After that I accompany him 2 the Casino 4 a drink. Lewis, the bartender mixed me a delicious coctail made of juices, n fresh strawberries, rather thick but good. We talk for another hour or so, kiss goodbye, n at 7 o'clock i head home, after havin a GREAT night, completly satisfied.

Now thats how u party! By dancing ur ass off till the break of dawn...literally. Oh how I love dancin!

Well, me cheeky little monkeys....welcome bak 2 Laura's world ;)

Love ya!
Söndag 29 April 2007
Yes, thats right, I bungee jumped in Cairns (current location), and it was the best thing that Ive done so far!!!

It was amazing, simply amazing, and probably the most challanging thing that Ive done so far. I was actually nervous before the jump, n I got cold feet (really cold feet) while standing on the platform, but the reward that comes with the jump was soooo worth it...worth all of it!!! When u Jump, u get liberated...u never b4.

U feel the soft air against ur body, huggin u. U might even get ur fingertips gently kissed by the water (if ur lucky n jump over water) So believe me...IT IS WORTH IT!!! Cuz there is nothing as rewardin asd overcomin ur fears, especially the fear that logic produces. It totally sets u free!!!

How come I bungee jumped, n what about the actual jump, well keep on readin mee cheeky little monkeys! ;) :

For several weeks I had been preparing myself fo the bungee,I was even excited about it. But after skydivin in Airlie beach I started 2 have 2nd thoughts about the bungee.....what if thoughts: what if it will b as uncomfy, and scary as skydivin, if I'll hate it, what if I throw up, what if, what if what if..... So by the time I arrived 2 the spot I was scared shitless, and if it weren't for ma "20 b4 20" list I wouldn't have done it. But since Ive been naggin about bungee, and becouse it is on ma list of things 2 do b4 ma 20th b-day....there was no backin down!

So I had 2 do it....50m jump. I wasnt afraid of the height, cuz that was nothin (esp compared 2 skydivin) but I was more nervous about how it would make me feel, like i will feel uncomfy n wont get an adrenaline kick. So climbing up the tower was ok....but standing on the platforme was the scariest thing that Ive ever done....every single cell in ma brain told me that this was nuts, and that I should get the hell outa there...but i couldn't, I was already stapped down, n i couldnt move ma feet. Oh how i wished that smb would have pushed me down...but nobody did, the instructors kept tellin me that "its bungee JUMP, not bungee PUSH!!"

And that was teh most difficult part of bungeejumpin...overcomin ur logic, n the fear that it produces n 2 actually jump. But when u finally jump....OH WHAT A FEELIN!!!! It is completly liberating, a lil bit tickly, but complete satisfaction!!! And when u get down ur still floatin on cloud 9, n feel the most increadable high!!!

This was a very educational experience 4 me, n 4 everyone else who does, it i believe, cuz it teaches u 2 overcome urself, n that is the biggest obsticle that u'll have in life...ur own self.

So 4 all of ya out there...GO BUNGEE JUMPIN!!! That will b the best thing that u've done in ya whole life. The only thing u have 2 fear during bungee is urself!
Söndag 15 April 2007
From Coffs harbour (a shitty little family hole where I was forced 2 eat ma breakfast with kids playin and makin horse noises in the background) we went 2 Byron Bay, but b4 that we stoped at Nimbin....the land of stoners. U c, Nimbin is the only place in Australia where drugs r legal. So on our way 2 Byron Bay we stoped at Nnimbin 2 greet the friendly hippies ;) So how was Nimbin?! Interesting, that was smt different. Basically we just got a kick from wandering the streets of Nimbin and look at this long lost hippie culture. There wasnt much 2 do there, but we entertained ourselves by lookin at the local art, talkin 2 the locals, and having organic juice (cuz God forbid that Nimbimers would use GM on their crops os smt unhippish or civilized like that ;) )

From Nimbim we drove 2 Byron Bay where we rested at a caravan park with Live hippie entertainment! Their singing continued late in2 the nite, n the smoke commin out of their tents could b seen from miles. I went 4 a glorioutr walk at a marvelous beach in the night time, i gazed at the stars n felt the water tickle my feet! :)

That beach was the most beautiful, n amazing so far. It is peaceful, n surrounded by nature. The sand whistles under ur feet, but the waves r furious. They r great 4 surfin, n less great (or awful) 4 swimmin. They will pull u down n tear u most of the time we just "jump waves" in the water, pity though, swimmin would have been fun.

N so here w r, our last nite in Surfers Paradise. 2day was 24 degrees, sunny n absolutlyy marvelous. I shhopped till i dropped n wandered the streets from 10-17.

Time's up!
Söndag 15 April 2007
It all started with an inocent dinner, and ended up singing on the stage with the future bruide at her bachelorette :)

It was fuckin awsome n fun! We started out in a small pub with literally 0 ppl, after a few drinks there our team moved on 2 the neighbour bar where there were basically nobody but a bunch of girls out on a bachelorette party. So, we convinced the bride that we should get on the stage n sing our favorite song./...Maroon 5 "she will b loved" Sauid and done, b4 we knew it the song was playin n we were up on the stage. It was fun, we had fun, the future bride had fun, it was! :) ;) There were a lot of cameras present that nite, unfortunately none of ours so WE have no evidence of that night what so ever (apasrt from "bar souvinire" that we both recieved and stole of the wall, hihihi) so sorry fellas, no pics this time. But do not fear, If u know me well u know that I'd b happy 2 sing ma heart out at any time, day or nite! :)
Fredag 13 April 2007
Good morning starshine, the earth sez hello!

On the road, in a wicked van that we named "The Flying Dutchess with the pink slippers"

So we have a van that we sleep in, n we have our hippie names, n life is B-E-A-utiful!! :)

There will b very little blogging up untill i reach adelaide again, but no fear Shakespeare! Lo, or "raindrop" (her hippie name) has a blog at that she updates with the help of her sister. So check out "loma07" over there n c what kind of whackieness we're up 2.

Love n peace 2 ya all!

/Morning Glory (my hippiename)
Lördag 24 Mars 2007
22nd March: driving from Adelaide 2 Port Augusta to meet Sam's parrents, n do other stuff 2, like going to the local Pub, and drink yee liver blue and party ur arse red!! ( Im not quite sure what that means though... :) ) Weather: Rainy, and bloody cold!!!

23rd of March: Australian breakfast: Crumpets with honey and Veggie-mite. Crumpet is a spongy lookin waffle, and vegie-mite is a black salthy thing that is really healthy 4 yah. Anyways, they both contain a lot of vitamin B, and yeist. Also, we saw a side of Australia which I haven't seen b4....the outback!!! :)) We went 4 a drive in the desert, n it was
B-E-A-utiful!!!! I loved it! The sky was rockin blue, the sand was bitchin orange, the day was perfekt! Then we went for a drive around PtA, and: climbed a watertower, dipped our toes in the water, n saw the "flying doctors". The day ended with a lot of mud between em toes, and we liked it! ;) (when i say we here...i mean me, mysel, and I...not Lo! ;)

24th of March: Up with the sun, and out in the wilderness as we head of 2 "Flynders rangers". It is a national park with anything BUT flat landscape. We were on top of the hills, and deep down in the valleys, and it was amazing, gorgeous, simply incredable!!! Really, there r no words 2 describe the beauty of it! This was the real outback, this was the real Australia, this was the part when nature was all over me...literally! Australia has no mosquitos (yeii!! :)) But instead they have flies...rude flies that will sit on u, and not fly away when u move! Then they have giant intimidating black ants...scary....n they have 2 kinda ones, and euro kanguroos. We saw emus...kanguroos, emus, emus, eagles, sheep....even more sheep, kanguroos, kanguroos, and more....well, i think u get it now.

We had a nice lunch in the dried out creek (if u dont take the flies in2 consideration :) ) We had Barbie (BBQ 4 u europeans :) ) It was lovely! I loved it. After lunch we went 4 a walk along an abouriginal trail, n saw some carvings on the walls.....we went deep in2 the valleys n saw bies fiest on water, n I smelled a Gum tree...gum tree is basically eucalyptus trees...but they dont smell nice...they dont. I expected this fantastic smell...but it was more of a, funky smell. Anyways, as we ended the day n headed of on our way home we saw the sun set oer the hills. And after a nice "ice cream stop" the day was ended perfectly!

Well, Im off 2 relax with the rest of the Aussies....oh how I love the laid back Australian mentality!!! :))

G'nite mates, n remember that I love u all!!

Love, L
Måndag 19 Mars 2007
First I wanna apologize about the lack of pictures (but i can assure yall that they will b added later) as we r experiencing some technical problems, but we have a set of equiped monkeys working on it as we speak ;) and i just wanna apologize for the many spellin misstakes that will occure....for my defence I operate at a different keyboard and i have adapted 2 well 2 the aussie "laziness" than is good for me ;)

Note bene: ((Ln) stands for Lauras notepad, Lo is Louise, La is Laura)

With that said and done, let me tell ya about ma trip.

I was calm....very calm, disturbingly calm. I don't know why..perhaps it was becouse of the adventure, because of the company, or cuz ive outgrown ma fears. Whatever it was, it doesnt matter, I passed 26 hours of flying without any tranquilizers or other pills. Hurray! :)

We flew from sweden on the 16th at 7PM, and landed in Paris 2.5 hours later. The flight went aldright, "Planet var forsenat men det gjorde inget eftersom att Laura underholl kon och Louise med trevligt mens-prat" (extract from Lauras notepad) ;) Later on "the \y continued the flight by analyzing ads in the magazine.....all of the ads sucked, and Laura started her takeover of the ad business" (Ln)

The flight was french...very French, Infact it was so French that u couldnt separate the English from the French ;) Even our Swedish tuned French by ze fin of ze flight...oui!!

"Laura roffade at sig all mat och gick ut po jakt efter mer...po Lo's tallrik. Efter att ha upptackt att Lo bits gick La till retrett med en ynka bit ost."

Resan var valdigt produktiv, Vi uppfann manga nya ord, tex kunde vi konatatera att (efter mkt noggrann undersokning) att Lo ar "Pinnsmal", vilket man latt kan 'forglomma" och att det finns valdigt trevliga "flightstuarter".

Som ni ser kan man hinna med mkt po 1h (uppskattad tid, enligt La)
Eftersom att Lo inte har en klocka med sig maste vi forlita oss po Lauras utomordentliga tidsuppfattning. (realtid: =2...nej, forvirrar Lo La med sitt snack omn realtid. So i guess that U'll never know what time it was...Muahahahahah!!! ;) )

We didnt have much time in Paris, so we hurried on2 the next flight that would take us to Singapore. With our jaws 2 the floor, we passed by 1st class, than 2nd class, and ended up in 3rd class with broken TV screens, and a very nice "flight stuart" that we liked 2 call Maurice (pic incerted later) For 12 h we traveled on this gigantic flight which accordin 2 Lo was "nice", but more of a nightmare 2 La as she had no legspace at all due 2 a tiny black box under the f\seat infront of her. But we managed 2 drag ourselves through the flight, and soon we discovered the magnificent Singapore. We "oowed", and "awed" over the water, the islands, and the ladscape, and then our jaws dropped when we saw the looked like a 5star resort, but that was just a public ares. The grass was green, the water was blue, the bungalows was "bunglin'" ;) It looked awsome!!!! As we steped out of the airplane we walked in2 90% water and 10%air....thats humidity! Humid, and 4 degrees at thats awsome! We walked around and shoped in the duty free shops, and walked out on the terrance among the catuses in the cactus garden. We were amazed, because since we left Swe, this was the most tropical, and adventures place we've seen. And it was Singapore....freakin Singapore!!!! It was amazin....simply amazin, being so far home, in such an awsome was just wow! We both thought it was WOW!!!

The flight from Singapore 2 Aus was better....and worse than the previous. It was better becouse ouyr TV screens were working, so we could watch a whole lotta movies (like eg. a night at the Museum, Blood Diamond, U2 consert Live in Chicago, and a good oldie like about a boy) It was bad becouse out of the 6 hour flight there was turbulence for 3hours!!! And not just a bit bumpy-bumpy....It was REAL turbulence!!! So real that I had 2 lick of ma tea from the table, cuz ma cup was sure eampty! And at one point we dropped a whole lotta hight, and the pilot did not sound amused by that. So it is safe 2 say that it was a scary flight!

But after all that...we finally arrived 2 Australia, and went through a LOT of custedy.....We got checked by every1, everywhere!! But we didnt mind that so much, becouse the australian ppl r very friendly :)
So finally, at 7AM on the 18th of March, we arrived 2 Adelaide where Sam picked us up in his car, n we took a quick tour around town (which was still sleepin) and then went home 2 nap and watch movies all day :) So it was a pretty nice day.

So this was our 1st day.

Stay tuned 4 more updates;
Love, yLaura, and the munchkins :)
Tisdag 13 Mars 2007
The calm b4 the storm, thats what it feels like right now. And it frightens me a bit.... U expect chaos, but u get peace.

Its only 3 days left, but it feels like it could be months left!!! I it the Bob Marley effect?! Is there 2 much jammin' goin' on?! Should I pull myself 2gether, and b that kinda person that organizes every single minute of their life?....Naaah! Im not that kinda person....I like to do things at ma own pace, I like to stop and sniff the flowers. I'll push the deadline to the very end, and then...when things are at stake, I'll rise above the rest, and performe the best. But untill that deadline comes, I'll just continue jammin' with Bobby :))

So, like I said...Its 3 days left untill a liofelong dream of mine will unfold itself into reality. 3 days (or so) I'll b in Australia, the country of ma dreams!

For thse of you that r interested in knowing how it all happen, I shall tell ya.
So gather around mee cheeky little monkeys and I'll tell ya a story, like no other. About a girl, reality, and dreams!

It all started in school, in the very 1st friend Sarah told me about her granpa' who had a dream, that 1 day he would visit he worked, and worked, and finally there he the airport, with the ticket in 1 hand and a suitcase in the other. But, out of no where came this little car...a recruitin' car, 4 the army. So, her granpa got onto the car, and never went to Austalia....he joined the army instead. So when me, and Sarah were about 7-8 years old, we made a promise to ourselves...we would fulfill his dream, and go to Australia! Throughout the years we would remind ourselves of that promise of ours, but as the future tore us further apart, the dream wandered of into a fogg. But always, at the back of my head I had it...the dream, it has never left me. I knew that some day I will go to Australia...some day! So, I started to gather money, like my first paycheck...and the next one, and the next one. (A very big thank you 2 my mother for he great generosty...without it or her, I wouldnt have a Brass razoo (Aussie slang again Im afraid ;)...this time it means that I wouldnt have a dime by now). And so I worked damn hard, and long 2 fulfill my dream, and go 2 Aus. Damn hard, and long!

But then, the temptations came! As I approached 30 000kr omn my account my mind became to wander..."30 000 is a lot of money...its like; an old car....or a really nice jacuzzi, nay even 3 jacuzzis..OR....a trip 2 Africa, where I could by myself a nice little house right on the beach, and live happily ever after for like 10 years! But what will 30 000 give me in australia....2 itty-pitty weeks?!" And so my mind wandered for a while, until a cold december day when Jennie woke me up from the deep sleep that I was in. She made me realize how close I was to loosing my dream. Jennie announced to me that she would be leaving for Australia during the spring, and that they were gonna book a ticket soon....real soon. I was could she not know that I had been dreaming about Australia all of ma life?! Didnt the whole wild world know that yet?!??!!!! Of course they did!! So why didnt she ask me first then?! And that is when i realized that I was drifting away from my dreams instead of drifting towards it. The door of opportunity had closed as fast as it had opened.

But like the old saying goes: "When a door closes, a window opens" And my window was Louise. It all started so inocent, art class, a dance (she introduced me 2 Lindy Hop!), and before we knew it we were head over heals in planing our vacation. Louise had done the misstake (?) ;) of mentioning to me that she wanted to go to Australia, and soon we discovered that we both wanted pretty much the same things out of Australia, and that we would be perfect travelin' buddies 4 each other.

This was an opportunity that I couldn't miss, so of course I had 2 take it...I wouldnt let it slip away like it had done with Jennie....and on December the 12th it was oficcial: On the 16th of March we would begin our 26h long journey down to Australia.

So...this is the beginning of a long journey into the unknown, into life, into Australia!

(Now...some of you...mostly those who could stay awake and read through, what may seem as, the never ending story above ;) might ask me when Im planing on returning back 2 SWE? The answer is: I don't 3 months...sooner, later...I don't know. I've got a "working visa", and a 1way ticket 2 ride....u tell me. All that I know is that 3 months of jobhunting here didn't give me a jack's shit, and that right now is the time...time 2 do smt, something that I really wanna do, no strings attached. Now is the time b4 tha last blast!)

So, mee cheeky little monkeys! This may be the last thing that you hear from me. I have emailed this out 2 everybody, young, and old, new and old, old, and old, and then of cource...the ancient ones ;) And this is the (web)place where I will b staying at...most probably.....(Im also a member of 2 other online travel diaries, but orka redo this shit again! SighT! ;) )
So, those of you that want 2 stay in touch, please do, and those of u who want me 2 stay in touch, please email me address, and cell, n I'll do my best. But for the rest of u, I wish u all the best, and dood riddens! ;) No Im just kiddin...I love u all! I wish u a happy easter, and a nice summer.

Now it is time 4 me 2 join the rest of the world in a silent sleep!

So Good night I say, n sleep tight...x-tra tight ya know! ;)

/Yee little munchkin, Laura