Stöd Ukraina

Laurals blogg

Tisdag 13 Mars 2007

3 Days left.....

The calm b4 the storm, thats what it feels like right now. And it frightens me a bit.... U expect chaos, but u get peace.

Its only 3 days left, but it feels like it could be months left!!! I it the Bob Marley effect?! Is there 2 much jammin' goin' on?! Should I pull myself 2gether, and b that kinda person that organizes every single minute of their life?....Naaah! Im not that kinda person....I like to do things at ma own pace, I like to stop and sniff the flowers. I'll push the deadline to the very end, and then...when things are at stake, I'll rise above the rest, and performe the best. But untill that deadline comes, I'll just continue jammin' with Bobby :))

So, like I said...Its 3 days left untill a liofelong dream of mine will unfold itself into reality. 3 days (or so) I'll b in Australia, the country of ma dreams!

For thse of you that r interested in knowing how it all happen, I shall tell ya.
So gather around mee cheeky little monkeys and I'll tell ya a story, like no other. About a girl, reality, and dreams!

It all started in school, in the very 1st friend Sarah told me about her granpa' who had a dream, that 1 day he would visit he worked, and worked, and finally there he the airport, with the ticket in 1 hand and a suitcase in the other. But, out of no where came this little car...a recruitin' car, 4 the army. So, her granpa got onto the car, and never went to Austalia....he joined the army instead. So when me, and Sarah were about 7-8 years old, we made a promise to ourselves...we would fulfill his dream, and go to Australia! Throughout the years we would remind ourselves of that promise of ours, but as the future tore us further apart, the dream wandered of into a fogg. But always, at the back of my head I had it...the dream, it has never left me. I knew that some day I will go to Australia...some day! So, I started to gather money, like my first paycheck...and the next one, and the next one. (A very big thank you 2 my mother for he great generosty...without it or her, I wouldnt have a Brass razoo (Aussie slang again Im afraid ;)...this time it means that I wouldnt have a dime by now). And so I worked damn hard, and long 2 fulfill my dream, and go 2 Aus. Damn hard, and long!

But then, the temptations came! As I approached 30 000kr omn my account my mind became to wander..."30 000 is a lot of money...its like; an old car....or a really nice jacuzzi, nay even 3 jacuzzis..OR....a trip 2 Africa, where I could by myself a nice little house right on the beach, and live happily ever after for like 10 years! But what will 30 000 give me in australia....2 itty-pitty weeks?!" And so my mind wandered for a while, until a cold december day when Jennie woke me up from the deep sleep that I was in. She made me realize how close I was to loosing my dream. Jennie announced to me that she would be leaving for Australia during the spring, and that they were gonna book a ticket soon....real soon. I was could she not know that I had been dreaming about Australia all of ma life?! Didnt the whole wild world know that yet?!??!!!! Of course they did!! So why didnt she ask me first then?! And that is when i realized that I was drifting away from my dreams instead of drifting towards it. The door of opportunity had closed as fast as it had opened.

But like the old saying goes: "When a door closes, a window opens" And my window was Louise. It all started so inocent, art class, a dance (she introduced me 2 Lindy Hop!), and before we knew it we were head over heals in planing our vacation. Louise had done the misstake (?) ;) of mentioning to me that she wanted to go to Australia, and soon we discovered that we both wanted pretty much the same things out of Australia, and that we would be perfect travelin' buddies 4 each other.

This was an opportunity that I couldn't miss, so of course I had 2 take it...I wouldnt let it slip away like it had done with Jennie....and on December the 12th it was oficcial: On the 16th of March we would begin our 26h long journey down to Australia.

So...this is the beginning of a long journey into the unknown, into life, into Australia!

(Now...some of you...mostly those who could stay awake and read through, what may seem as, the never ending story above ;) might ask me when Im planing on returning back 2 SWE? The answer is: I don't 3 months...sooner, later...I don't know. I've got a "working visa", and a 1way ticket 2 ride....u tell me. All that I know is that 3 months of jobhunting here didn't give me a jack's shit, and that right now is the time...time 2 do smt, something that I really wanna do, no strings attached. Now is the time b4 tha last blast!)

So, mee cheeky little monkeys! This may be the last thing that you hear from me. I have emailed this out 2 everybody, young, and old, new and old, old, and old, and then of cource...the ancient ones ;) And this is the (web)place where I will b staying at...most probably.....(Im also a member of 2 other online travel diaries, but orka redo this shit again! SighT! ;) )
So, those of you that want 2 stay in touch, please do, and those of u who want me 2 stay in touch, please email me address, and cell, n I'll do my best. But for the rest of u, I wish u all the best, and dood riddens! ;) No Im just kiddin...I love u all! I wish u a happy easter, and a nice summer.

Now it is time 4 me 2 join the rest of the world in a silent sleep!

So Good night I say, n sleep tight...x-tra tight ya know! ;)

/Yee little munchkin, Laura
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