Kanalbåt i England

Av Lerh
6 sep. 2009 20:47
Visningar: 8040
Är det någon som har hyrt kanalbåt i England och vill berätta om detta? Vi har tänkt oss detta sommaren 2010.
Tar tacksamt emot alla tips.
Av Charina
7 sep. 2009 08:06
Har varit sugen på denna sortens semester sen jag såg det på tv för 25-30 år sedan. Men det är lite komplicerat när man är ensamresenär.
Jag kan tillhandahålla en länk iaf..http://www.ukboathire.com/map.htm
20 mars 2010 07:54
Det kan varmt rekomenderas. Här är ett urklipp från vår resa förra våren. Hela rapporten finns på Tripadvisor.com

This would be my first time steering a narrowboat and almost the first time that my wife would actually need to help me handle a boat, I'm used to single-hand my boats and unless someone offers to help I usually don't think to ask.

After being tutored in the usage and daily checks the instructor helped us thru the first Lock, I sensed that this isn't something they normally do but I insisted (This was just to calm my wife's nerves, and calm they did!). The perfect crew for a narrowboat would be 3+ so we were a bit undermanned to work the Locks in an efficient manner, but we managed allright and had soon passed our second lock and moored up outside The Fish and Eels, Lunch went down with a Mc'Mullen bitter. Three locks later we moored on the cut outside Ware and went into town for supper at The Navigator, played it safe with a Bombardier this time.

The following morning we hit the charity shops and Tesco before we "set sails" for Hertford. In the first lock my weatherproof jacket got caught in the plastic TV antenna and broke it of at the base. Although the weather report had been pessimistic we had so far managed to be inside a train or a pub during the short showers but just after we passed under the motorway it started to drizzle so my wife went down into the cabin and I turned my head away from the wind looking at the North side of the canal
30 juni 2010 14:55
Förra sommar åkte vi kanalbåt i närheten av Bristol och det är KANON. Vi pratade just igår om att göra en ny tur nästa sommar
Citerat från lerh:
Är det någon som har hyrt kanalbåt i England och vill berätta om detta? Vi har tänkt oss detta sommaren 2010.
Tar tacksamt emot alla tips.