Visningar: 189

160 pound sturgeon (stör)

Lake Winnebago. Fisken äter larver och annat upp till småfisk och sväljer allt helt för den har inga tänder.
Plats: Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA
Bilden tagen: 9 februari 2008
Av Missx
20 feb. 2008 00:33
Gulp... den ser läbbig ut
18 feb. 2008 10:10
Fy f-n sån fuling *s* .. fisken altså
Av Gullnas
17 feb. 2008 21:48
LOL! Thanks, Sarah! You got it right and you're doing very well! I think you'll talk Swedish fluently in a month or so!
Av Sarahb
14 feb. 2008 03:50
Not sure if I'm writing this in the right place, due to the fact that I do not understand Swedish, but just wanted to say what an unpleasant photo this is. Not of you, Lars, obviously, but of the big fish.