ATM Kho Kood

Av Anje
4 nov. 2018 18:42
Visningar: 159
Hej,såg i en tidigare tråd här (2016) att ATM på Kho Kood bara tog Visa,har någon nyare info,ex går MasterCard bra?
Av Sierra
5 nov. 2018 10:47
Troligtvis tar den nyare ATM:n Mastercard....

”Cash is king

Bring cash with you. As there is only one small bank and two ATMs on the island. The bank and one ATM are located adjacent to Koh Kood Hospital. And the other ATM is roadside at High Season Resort on Klong Chao beach.

There are a few resorts that will give cash advances for non-guests. But they will charge around 5% commission. It is also possible to exchange USD, GBP or EUR at some resorts and shops on the island. But don’t expect a great rate. It’s far better to exchange the money on the mainland or on Koh Chang before you arrive.”