Dag för dag: Resealbumet "Portugal 2008" av Tofuboy

21 juli 2008 - Alcabideche, Portugal
Feng Sheng
Chinese restaurant where we ate dinner and learned how to say thank you in Chinese (I'm not going to try and spell it with latin letters though)
22 juli 2008 - Alcabideche, Portugal
Blooming bush
Nerium bushes
23 juli 2008 - Mafra, Portugal
Thistle flowers
Pine trees
Little girl-wolf
I visited a center where they take care of Iberian wolves. Here is a little 1½ month old girl. She was really sweet! Licked my legs when I bowed down to take some photos of her :p
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Little girl-wolf
Isn't she adorable?
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Zimbo marking his territory
The little girl's dad
Zimbo looking into the camera
He actually liked me. I streched out my hand and he pressed himself against it :)
23 juli 2008
Nice roundabout in Mediterranean style
23 juli 2008
"Bonzai-like" olive trees
23 juli 2008
23 juli 2008 - Cascais, Portugal
My sister having a pint at O'Neil's
In Cascais there is a nice Irish pub called O'Neil's with very friendly staff
24 juli 2008 - Sintra, Portugal
Sintra is one of my absolute favourite places in Portugal. The name Sintra comes from the Celtic word Cynthia - meaning moon. The area has a microclimate and is lush and green. The beautiful nature along with the History-laden old buildings create a lovely fairytale-like environment
Monserrate - a park in the 1800's Romantic style
The beautiful Park and the Palace of Monserrate in Sintra are well worth a visit. Here are some pictures taken during my visit there
These beautiful ferns, originate from New Zealand and Australia and can grow up to 10 meters in height
These ferns, originate from New Zealand and Australia and can grow up to 10 meters in height
Marsh flower
Marsh flower in the Park of Monserrate
My sister among all the plants
In the Park of Monserrate
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